Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Love - Salvage the Bones

I feel as though ward informing the readers just how powerful love can be, in the sense of being able to get through tough times. The way I interpreted this was kind of a small indication, by China. While China was in labor she apparently wouldn’t allow anyone near her besides Skeetah, to me I took this as her being protective over her puppies. Dogs care greatly about their litter of pups, I myself have seen it first hand with my own dog. China is suffering a lot and is in a lot of pain, and Junior is actually allowed to see the process, due to the Dad saying he was old enough. I feel the Dad in a way gave Junior a small right of passage in the sense of him “coming of age.” By this I mean his father clearly loves him enough to think of his son not as just a boy, but as a young man, who can process and understand the concepts in of labor. In away I can get a sense that Ward also sees that love can bittersweet. While in the process of giving birth, China does in fact has a small miscarriage. One of the puppies is dead from the labor as it leaves China’s body. It’s a great thing being able to understand life and all the benefits that come with it, but at times not everything is capable of being given the opportunity. Although the puppy was dead, with its tongue sticking out and all, it is also a wonderful moment to see that there were in fact six other puppies born. Love can also be a little bit comical, because even China believes that she is done giving birth when in fact as empties herself from the labor, there is one last puppy born. Overall this chapter was a nice read, and does show a lot of messages besides my own interpretations about love.

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