Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Salvage the Bones blog - 1

I can only imagine how difficult it would be to grow up on a poor farm in southern Mississippi, let alone with 3 other siblings. My grandmother also lost a child in labor and still cries about it today. It would be extremely difficult to have to grow up through a similar experience knowing that your mother passed away in child birth. I feel for for the narrator of this story. the difficulty of her early years seems to paint a great picture as to why her best friend seems to be a dog. It seems to be extremely difficult for her to take car of her family and dog as they are in extreme poverty. Even when they are preparing for a hurricane, it is extremely sad to think that al they own could disappear in just a few days. Not only that, but that the fact it probably took their family forever to earn what they do have. Having a child hood when one has to work all the time to help out at home is not much of a childhood at all. while other kids are out playing, out Esch has to work at hime to help around the house. It is tough for a child when they have to grow up at such a young age. Although our narrator seems like she has to grow up at a young age, she is learning lessons which will make her stronger for the rest of her life. She does not seem very strong at this point in our story yet, but instead she seem somewhat week and fragile. From what we can see so far, it could be extremely hard to come of age in the south. 

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