Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Salvage the Bones and Love

Chapter one of Jesmyn Ward's Salvage the Bones focuses on the family dog China as she gives birth to puppies. As each puppy emerges into the world the main character and narrator Esch reflects on an aspect of her life, fifteen years in. Ward is introducing all the types of love in Esch's life and the power of those different forms of love.

Esch is the only girl in her family since her mother died birthing her youngest brother Junior. Although Esch was young when her mother died she loves her fondly and knows they have a lot in common. China's labor is almost a reflection of Esch and her siblings. The second to youngest puppy has the same coloring as China just like Esch is the second youngest and resembles her mother. Throughout the first chapter Esch compares China's labor to her last memory of her mother, giving birth to her youngest brother Junior.

As a single Dad, Esch's father utilizes his children in the "pitt" to make ends meet. With a family of all boys you can sense the love that glues their family together in the first chapter. Junior hides behind his older brother during the puppies's birth. Randall forces Junior to bathe. They all work together to prepare for the hurricane even though they have not seen a strong storm in years. Even without one of their captains the team continues pushing forward.

The absence of love Esch has for herself over shadows the last part of the chapter. After introducing forms of strong hidden love that keeps a family running Ward introduces that the of absence of  love for one's self is more powerful then being loved by others.

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