Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Animosity between Blanche and Stanley

 BLOG 5: What are the sources of animosity between Blanche and Stanley?      
       There are many sources of animosity in the play between Blanche and Stanley. One of those sources would be Blanche's attitude towards Stanley. He overhears Blanche talk negatively about him. He also initially believes she is lying to him about how Belle Reve was lost. Stanley also doesn't like how Blanche attempts to be in control while Stella is fine with obeying her husband. He is also blaming the problems of his marriage on Blanche's arrival.
       Stanley knows how Blanche feels about him. While Stanley was out, Blanch tells Stella how she really feels about her husband. She said that he acts like an animal as well as talks like one. She also revealed that his friends, like him, were grunting like Stanley and compared them to a party of apes during their poker night. Stanley hears all Blanche has to say about him. During one scene, she also calls him a pollack to which he immediately retaliates and disagrees.
       Stanley has initial feelings about Blanche that he keeps during the play. He interrogates her about Belle Reve and what really happened to the property. She tries to tell him and show him proof but he blatantly ignores her. Stanley snatches the love letters from her late husband after she told him what they contained. He very soon finds out the property was lost on a mortgage.
          Blanche has a more controlling attitude than Stella and Stanley blames her for his marriage problems. During poker night, Blanche turns on the radio twice after Stanley warned her not to. Stanley charges after Stella but she still comes back to him despite her sister's warning.  It's these moments of intervention that cause him to blame Blanche for his marriage problems. At the end of scene 8, Stanley tells his wife that they were fine before her sister showed up and that is why he's trying to expose her lies.

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