Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blanche and Stanley

In A Streetcar Named Desire, the tension and hostility between Blanche and Stanley increases, making both of their lives difficult. I believe this animosity between the two is due to they are alike in some ways while simultaneously be completely different. For example, both like to take control of situations. In Stanley's case that is always reminding Stella that whatever belongs to her belongs to him (under the Napoleonic Code) and must be in control of the house itself. Blanche's control is implied via Stella again. When Blanche finally arrives to New Orleans, Stella asks Stanley to change the way he talks and acts when he must interact with Blanche. This insinuates that has some sort of control over Stella to make Stella dote on her and watch what comes out of her mouth. Both character use this controlling aspect of their personalities to get what they want. Stanley some how manages to get Stella back after he hit her and Blanche made out with the paperboy. Also both are misogynist in a way. Stanley has this rigid idea of what women can and can't do while blanche uphold this very old Southern idea of a Southern lady being fragile and weak.
But their differences drive them even further apart. Stanley is the type of person to get straight to the point while Blanche will talk around the question for ages.  Stanley's bluntness also contrasts greatly with Blanche's web of lies. Blanche notes that she is a liar and Stanley likes to point that out sometimes.The more I think about Blanche and Stanley the more I realize that these characters can not get along because they are too much alike

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Blanche and Stanley will never get along because they are too much alike. Both want all the attention they can get and are controlling and manipulating. I feel really bad for Stella being placed into this situation. It seems as if she has lost the little control she had.
