Sunday, February 14, 2016

Gentlemen vs. Cad

Starting this post I was very torn with where to go in discussion. The reason being is that Salvage the Bones was well written and honestly there is plenty of room for reading between the lines and analyzing not only characters, but as well as milestones for individuals. Having said this I feel that I myself am more in tune with being able to speak about the conflicting characters such as Skeetah and Manny. While having read Salvage the Bones, it is truly apparent of how gender roles affect the characters both directly and indirectly. The cad of the novel, without a doubt in my mind, is Manny. Well more directly Manny is an ill-bred man, just an individual whom does not know how to treat women properly. Besides treating Esch rudely as she feels the need to care for him with everything she has, he is dishonorable to her. Not only is he dishonorable to her but as well as being completely disloyal to his friends, when he intentionally sleeps with Esch, throwing her into a pregnancy. Manny's character from my perspective was just the douche-bag of modern day society. I say this because I feel as though society has lost its touch with having gentlemen. I simply mean that now in day, gentlemen are not as apparent. Instead we have men whom make woman cry, cause women issues and anxiety beyond belief, simply because of gender roles. Salavage the Bones however does not only address this from our modern day society in men, but it also takes in the gentlemen aspect as well. The novel portrays this aspect through Skeetah. From the begining of the novel, ward wrote Skeetah as the loving care giving brother. He cared for China immediately we saw this from him taking care of her during her pregnancy in the first chapter then later as he care for her puppies as his own. In addition you see the amount of attention and care he as for Esch. Instead of being loved by someone who is willing to give their everything, and birth a child, Manny wants doesn't care as he should especially knowing that he is the father and he has responsibilities. While reading the novel I continuously felt as though the conflicting charcters was well written and portrayed through Skeetah the gentleman and Manny the cad.

1 comment:

  1. Manny and Skeetah are polar opposites when it comes to the respect and treatment of women in "Salvage the Bones". Unfortunately, Manny represents the results of a lustful nature overtaking the psychosis of a teenager. We have all felt these urges before but Manny disregards the feeling of others and selfishly acts on his own accord. Manny isn't a man, while Skeetah exhibits the qualities of adulting. To say that he is a "gentle man" is up to interpretation but he isn't a gentlemen.
