Monday, February 15, 2016

Thoughts about Salvage the Bones

      One of the most interesting aspects of the books to me was how Esch adapted to the world around her. Since she had lost both of her parents, she started to look at Skeetah's dog China for guidance. This starts early on in the novel and when she decides to steal a pregnancy test from the store. Esch says that, "maybe its China that made me get it (Ward 30)." She had been throwing up every day and had become irregular. During an interaction with Manny, Esch remembers something Skeetah said to China. During a dog fight, he told her to make them know. Esch emulated this with Manny after telling him she was pregnant. She started repeatedly slapping him to the point that he bled all while thinking," make them know (Ward 203)". In the final chapter of the book, Esch makes more connections between herself and China. She states that China will come back and know that she is a mother. Because of the fight Esch endured, China will return and call her sister.
     Another part of the book that really stuck out to me was one of Big Henry's quotes. He had just found out Esch was pregnant and asked her who the father was. She replied back that the child did not have one. I'm not sure why she said this but his response was one of the greatest in the book to me. Big Henry replied that the "baby has plenty daddies (Ward 255)." Though Esch may be in a hard situation, she will have plenty of support from her family and friends. If Manny would be absent in the child's life, there would be plenty of guys who can step up and take his place in Esch's life. 

1 comment:

  1. I never thought of Esch looking to china for audience in the sense of mother hood. I really like the comparison and your evidence! I agree even with Manny out of the picture I think Esch has a lot of support from her family!
