Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blanche and Mitch

Does it strike anyone else that Blanche and Mitch's relationship are moving a little fast? They have only spoken three times so far in the book and now Mitch is wondering if they could be good for each other and get married before his mother dies (he didn't directly say this, but insinuates it). I know Blanche is in a hurry to lock down a husband, but its borderline church bells. Also the story of Blanche's first husband is shocking. I'm not quite sure if I believe her or not. Considering the fact that she compulsively lies and can never give a straight answer, the story doesn't seem real. It defiantly could be made up; something along the lines of "my husband left me for a younger women" seems more plausible. It also would explain her insecurity about her age.


  1. I think taking into account the time period its somewhat normal of them to start thinking of a future, but I would say jumping in to a marriage after a month which would seem like it would happen at their pace is a bit odd. Oh and I think Blanche killed the husband or had him killed. I'm probably wrong but that's my thoughts. Shes just to manipulative and untrustworthy to believe her story, but some parts like possibly a gunshot wound to the head, I think that part is true.

  2. I'm with Casey on the idea of Blanche killing her husband because of his sexuality. The story seems over the top and would explain as to why she was so jumpy when she heard Shaw's name. Also I expected Blanche to try and marry Mitch the moment they met but I also feel like she will break his heart and I hope that's not the case
