Monday, February 15, 2016

Finishing Salvage the Bones//Survival

Throughout the ten days leading up to Katrina readers begin to grasp the survival skills of the Batistes. The last two chapters, as Katrina hits landfall we see how their love for one another push them to survive the storm.

In the beginning of Salvage the Bones Esch discovered she is pregnant with Manny's child. Throughout the novel readers wait for Esch to face her family, Manny and even herself with this truth. On the tenth day Esch finally confronts Manny with her pregnancy and leaves readers heart broken. Manny calls Esch a slut and refuses to believe the baby is his. As Manny runs off Esch falls to the ground in sorrow facing the cold truth that Manny has not and will never love her. A love that Esch has dreamed and fought for throughout the novel. Randall finds Esch on his last quest to find supplies before the storm. Skeetah is taking are of China leaving Esch as Randall's only spare hand to help the rest of the family. In this moment we see the depth of Esch's strength, After losing her mother, discovering she is a mother herself, and losing the fight for Manny's love she puts her family first. Esch rises from her puddle of sorrow thinking, "I scrub, wipe like I could wipe the love of Manny, the hate of Manny, Manny away. And then I get up because it is the only thing I can do."(p.206). A large snap of Esch's character is shown.

Every meal readers get a glimpse of the Bastiste's financial state. One single dad providing for four children in basically the woods is barely surviving. The Basistes show their love for one another in a series of different ways but definitely throughout the survival. When the storm hits and the water continues to rise readers see the true survival skills of Esch's family.

Throughout the novel we are watching China come between Skeetah and the rest of his family. Skeetah fought for China and the puppies to stay in the house for the storm. After the water rises and the family is swimming from  tree to tree Esch loses the puppies. Skeetah chooses saving Junior, Esch and her child over carrying China. This sacrifice not only highlights the love of this family but the need of survival during Katrina. 

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