Friday, March 11, 2016

Bellocq's Ophelia

Bellocq's Ophelia, Storyville Diary, June 1911

Countess writes my description for the book
Violet, a fair skinned beauty,recites
Poetry and soliloquies; nightly
She performs her tableau vivant, becomes
A living statue, and object of art-
And I fade again into someone I'm not.

This poem is about the processing of a prostitute in the blue book in New Orleans. She is a work of art and her beauty is the color of light violet. She keen on words, knowing how to speak with her clients. The Countess can become revert to her personal life while retaining the personalities of seduction. The procedure to enter people in the blue book is interesting. It about giving someone about an image. Through that image they are given privileges of feeling of identity and class. Even through the attitude and respect for women in the 1910's was rather limited, you can see the shift towards independence through the description of the poem. These women finally had a way to control and empower through seduction. Don't get me wrong, women are still treated terrible during this time period but, they are now able to show of their body. The circumstance demoralizing but, women are becoming individuals not bound to a husband. Prostitution can be debated though it's Taboo nature in our society. Morality can be thrown out the window but your starting to see the women persona described in detail. It's a big change coming from a old century of traditional ideals.


  1. This was very interesting! Although we know that women during these times were regarded less than their male counterpart, they were able to find some sort of identity in these male dominant times. Therefore, if you consider the circumstances, this district provided a new way of living for females at the cost of their freedom. However, for a women to gain a sense of identity at a loss of their freedom seems to great of a cost. I would rather have my freedom and attempt to create my own sense of identity that people can accept. Rather than be entitled a identity that I may not accept for the rest of my life.

  2. You have a great perspective how the attitude people placed on women changed. While it was demoralizing, it gave women a chance to gain some level of independence. They could live without the help of their husband. They were able to support themselves but unfortunately, it was an unlawful and risky way to do it.
