Friday, March 4, 2016

Was Blanche asking for it?

I thought that the movie did a great job of portraying the feelings that were expressed in the play write. All of the actors did a great job of playing their part. I believe one of the great arts of "days gone by," is that actors really did have to do a good job to get a specific part. I think the best job of acting was done by the whoever played blanch in the movie. She matched Blanche's personality perfectly. If it weren't for such a great screenplay, I doubt students would be reading about a "Street Car Named Desire" today. Although all of the actors did a great job, nothing could be said more about what a phenomenal story this was. It is very easy to believe that something may have happened like this at one time.
In class we discussed the question, "was Blanche asking for it?" I think in many views, it is very easy to make the claim that she was asking for it. Since Blanche showed up in New Orleans, she has been very flirtatious with every man she meets. You might even argue that she is leading them on. I think she really did want to have sexual relations with Stanley. She did not seem to resist in the film either. I know in the society that we live in today, even the absence of no is still is still a no. Although this play takes place in a very different time, it still takes two to tango.Blanche did not seem to be opposed to the idea very much at all from the beginig of the book. Without a doubt, Stanley did rape her, but she did seem to show great interest from the begiing of the book.
This a very good story and screenplay that we all could learn something from.

1 comment:

  1. I do not agree that Blanche was asking for it. Stanley was wrong in taking advantage of her when she was borderline unconscious, while having hallucinations. With Blanche not being able to consciously make decisions, that is a red flag right there that the sex is not consensual. With the disturbing acts we hear outside (men attacking each other, a man chases a woman who violently slaps him, and a woman laughing insanely while running through the street), it adds to the background with the drunk violence that is also occurring simultaneously in the house.
