Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Dream Boy

Once I hit page 80 I just could not put the book down. See the book is interesting because from the beginning there is this unspoken case within Nathan's family. This is what originally drove me into reading the book as quickly as I did. Eventually however the book goes for a turn in the sense that Nathan comes of age in his own way. Throughout the novel Nathan and Roy are constantly having unspoken conversations based on their emotional status as well as their surrounding. Growing up in the 70's when the novel takes place, there was an apparent status of homophobia. Nathan and Roy endured  social rules throughout the novel. While Nathan is unspoken confidence with his sexuality, Roy on the other hand has to "plan" his actions in order act upon his desires. When compared to the movie, the actors who portray Roy and Nathan really do narrow down their role by the unspoken actions seen upon the two. While Roy and Nathan have and apparent connection, social rules force the two to not act upon their emotions unless alone. Take into consideration that both men are growing up in a rural area which fully embraces religion and devotion to "God". Surrounding plays the significance of the novel because where at first Nathan feels at home, it turns into a place to evade. This is apparent with all locations throughout the novel.

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