Monday, April 4, 2016

How to Slowly Kill Yourself...

Laymon is by far an advance writer, from his artistic skill to the language he so fluently interchanges throughout his story. The story encompasses his own coming of age in which he deals with his mother raising him as if he were a black man on parole. Now although many may see this as harsh or unloving in the best way his mother was in fact looking out for him with her best intentions. Laymon came of age after dealing with many a corrupt system. Having been a writer with a passion to critic on the events that took place at his university. All of these event that lead him on the successful path in which he is on currently. I understand that Layman did not write this story as a woe-for us article, meaning he was not writing this story of his life with the sense that he was speaking on behalf of all the black men whom have had their own run ins with a corrupt system. In fact his audience was the youth of America, because its a story about how his life got twisted up side down for a bit, yet through all he had been through he found that there was a lot more in him to give and be the man that he wanted to become rather what stereo types lead him to believe he would become. Overall i enjoyed the discussion and the reading today.

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