Monday, April 18, 2016

Dream Boy

I did not like this novel one bit. Form the beginning I was a bit disturbed with the sac-religious views of Jesus, suggesting that he might have been gay. Loyola is a Jesuit university, promoting Catholic and Jesuit ideals. It is a bit disturbing that such things could be suggested in a class here. Although I was not happy with the sac-religious views and suggestions of homosexuality through out the novel, the novel did a good job advocating for those put in such positions everyday. I am not naive that these situations of abuse, molestation, rape and even manslaughter happen daily.  At no time should a child, or anyone for that matter, be taken advantage of, discriminated against, abused or even killed for their sexual orientation. It is a sad book for me from the beginning to the end, and even though I do not agree with what is going on in the book, it still does a great job to try and open the eyes of the public. People must understand that everyone on earth is a person and has unalienable rights that cannot be ignored.

1 comment:

  1. Gino, in some ways I feel the same as you expressed in your blog entry. When I first started reading the book there was some confusion for me. Some of the confusion is due to the book being written in third person. It was hard for me to follow along while deciphering which character was being talked about or who’s dialogue was who. After getting past that, I also began to wander about the nature of the book when it was suggested that Jesus could’ve been gay. That beginning contributed to me forming many preconceived notions about the book in more of a negative light than positive. Everything seemed so rushed and not built up to like many other novels. Especially dealing with such controversial issues, the novel is forced upon the reader. However, after continuing reading the novel I also believe the author is trying to relay the importance of issues such as familial abuse and homosexuality to the audience. The author’s purpose might be to make the reader uncomfortable in order to get across a message which is not light-hearted at all. Though I am still reading the book and having difficulty reading certain parts, I am going to be open minded about the novel as a whole.
