Friday, April 22, 2016

Extra credit - Make up blog - Free write

This might be a very controversial post, and I know I might be in the minority, but I think that it is important to look at both sides of the argument. Recently, it was announced that Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson on the 20 dollar bill.
I think that Andrew Jackson was one of the greatest leaders in our countries history. If it wasn't for him we probably not be living in New Orleans right now. Not only did he meet the British in New Orleans, he engaged and destroyed the enemies of the United States of America in close combat, training a militia, man of which never had fired a gun before. He defeated the strongest Army and Navy the world had ever seen at the time with nothing more than a few farmers.
When elected president he was able to balance the national budget, but not only balance it but ensure that it was not just balanced on paper. He was able to run the country 2 terms and was the last president to refrain from creating any debt for the country. He was considered an enforcer and was overwhelmingly supported by both sides of the aisle for both of his terms.
Many believe that his controversial support for the Indian removal act of 1830, which is now known as the trail of tears, means he should be erased from the history books. If he and Tennessee congressman Davy Crockett did not have the intestinal fortitude too make sure this act passed by congress was not enforced, our country would have never expanded past the Mississippi river. Some argue his actions of enforcement were not fair towards the Native Americans already here, but his enforcement was no different than president before him and after him. We would not have the great country we live in now if it wasn't for Jackson. Our founding fathers would be turning in their graves if they knew we were trying to erase such a great leader from our history books.
Harriett Tubman was a great leader in our history and deserves her place of remembrance, but erasing  certain parts of history because of political feelings of the time and trying to make place for someone else sets a very dangerous precedent.
Obviously there are many more points which could be brought up on the debate but cannot be fit in an online blog.

1 comment:

  1. Gino while I do agree that Andrew Jackson was a great President, Harriet Tubman 20 dollar bill will be a great thing. For starters its 2016 and their isn't a single female on any of our paper currency. Secondly, just because we are putting Tubman on the 20 dollar bill doesn't mean that Jackson and all of his great presidential awesomeness is going to be erased. He had a long time for recognition...I think it is someone else's turn. Furthermore, are all of the 20 Dollar bills with Jackson's face on it going to be taken out of circulation? If not, then I don't think he will mind sharing the limelight with his spot on the 20 dollar bill.
