Monday, April 4, 2016

How to Slowly Kill yourself and others Repsonce

My favorite part of this essay is how Laymon can push a race issues along with having every race relate. I mentioned in class during the Formation discussion that it felt weird to admit to watch the video, that this was not made for me to enjoy. However Laymon pushed his issues across while inviting others in.

The structure of comparing his age to other victims throughout the essay applies to all. Evil exists in the world and being caught in the wrong place at the wrong time happens too often. Laymon was not discriminated against by the same type of people over and over. Variations of people are cruel and treat people unfairly, they are all not the John Deer's or Greek students. There is no formula for hate in America. If there was, we would have stopped it already. With this structure, a twenty year old white girl can relate to these stories. I do not need to share the same race as Laymon to hear his story.

Despite this empathy I do not want to take away from the bigger picture that there is a larger race problem here, even in New Orleans.


  1. I completely agree with everything you wrote. I agree that Laymon's essay can push race issues along with having every race relate. It is important that we listen to stories like Laymon's so we can push for this type of injustice to stop.

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  3. I understand your opinion of the essay. I agree with everything for the most part relating to the discrimination that is continuously rampant amongst our nation. However, I do believe that there will be an eventual solution to the hate in America. Whether it will happen within this century or perhaps in the next millennia, there will be an eventual rise for action that will change this corrupted society. We can look back to how MLK fought for black rights and likewise Elizabeth Cody Stanton who fought for women's rights.
